Sunday 1 January 2017


Ya allahh..  Kenapa smuanya jadi mcm ni?  Macam macam yg aku rasa.  Semuanya memeningkan aku..  Sbb tu tak suka rapat ngn laki..  Sbb depa smua memeningkan..  Memeningkan dan menyerabutkan..  Dan buat aku pulak yg nampak mcm jhat..  Erghhh..  Tak sukaa.. 

Monday 17 October 2016

Mimpi ibarat novel

Mimpi first..
Aku dah berkhwin di usia yg sangat muda. Haha biar betul?  Tapi itulah mimpi aku. Aku bahagia dan gembira. Cuma satu yang aku pelik aku kahwin bukan atas dasar cinta. Maksudnya aku langsung tak cintakan dia tapi aku bahagia sebab dia layan aku baik. Dia layan aku selayaknya aku seorang perempuan. Rasa dihargai dan disayangi. Tu yang buatkan aku bahagia. Novel betul mimpi aku

Mimpi kedua
Aku still berkahwin dan aku still happy dengan perkahwinan aku. Tapi kali ni aku ada kat airport. Aku kena hantar dia gi mana ntah. Aku pun xsure. Tapi aku relax ja. Dia pulak senyum je. Hm bersambung kau mimpi aku. Dahsyat nau. Haha bukan tak lawak noh. Tp cukuplah untuk aku berdrama dua mimpi. Dapatla jugak merasa jadi heroin novel. Walaupun cuma untuk beberapa jam. Hahhhahahaha..

Saturday 15 October 2016

Sorry and thank you

Im sorry for disturbing you all this time
Im sorry for falling in love with you
Im sorry for still waiting for you
Im sorry for missing yoy
Im sorry for being stupid
Hoping that you will be my husband
Hoping that you will give your love back
Hoping that you will be the first and last person for me to fall in love..
Im sorry for hoping so much
Im sorry
Im sorry

Im gonna stop
Please give me your permission
Permission to let you go
Permission to let me to move on
And find the new one
The new love
Let me go
Give my heart back
I wanna stop
Cause i cant fulfill my promise that i will wait for you till you come to me
I cant make that promise again
Cause i choose to be happy
I wanna stop
Before im dying inside
Dying alone
And nobody realize
And thank you for everything

Sayonara..  Hafiz

You and me

Before this,
You and me are too close..
I see you..
But still you didnt see me

We fall apart.
I still can see you..
But you see someone else.

Its hurt..
But, i still like this
I cant do anything
I just can pray
And hope that you will happy in your life.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Cause ALLAH loves you

You always love someone that never love you back..  And you always leave someone that always give their love for you??  Why?  Why it have to be happen? Why we cant love someone that always love you and leave the people that cant give their love for you??  If you doing that you will get happy life forever.. But...  Why you choose to be hurt??  Why you choose to be alone??  Why ?? Why??  And why??  Simple answer..  It is because of heart..  We cant control our heart..  Because heart is not ours..  It is belongs to ALLAH..  Why it always happen??  Cause ALLAH wants to protect you from couple..  HE wants you to be alone..  Why??  Because HE wants you to be in love with HIM first..  HE wants you to stay with HIM..  HE wants you to listen for HIM..  HE wants you to always put your trust on HIM..  When you can doing that, HE will give the best heart to get your heart..  So just trust HIM..  HE knows what is the best for you..  Noted that! 

Wednesday 28 September 2016

The true friend..

How can you call them your bestfriend,  if they are always make you hurt?? 
How can you call them your bestfriend,  if they dont and never understand you??
How can you call them your bestfriend,  if you are also not and cant be a good friend??
Is someone that always accept all things about you..  Either good or not.. 
Is someone who always laugh at you just to make you laugh too..  But,, they will get really mad when others do it so..
Is not just staying beside..  But it is when they are become a reason for you to smile always.. 
They know and understand what you gonna say..  What kind of feeling that you feel..  You dont have to say..  They just know.. 
When you are happy they are always there and happy just like you.. 
But when you are sad..  They will hug you..  Touch your heart..  And listen the sadness from that... 
They try to create your smile again..  Even they are the one that will get hurt..  But they just dont even care..  Because of why??? 
Cause..  They love you more than themselves.. 

Sunday 4 September 2016


Why i am still waiting??  Cause maybe i just didnt find someone who is deserve to take your place..  Or maybe i just cant to let someone else to take your place..  Or maybe i just so stupid and still hope that one day you will come and stay at your place..  Hahaha..  I dont know..  I didnt understand with myself..  Sometimes i think maybe people are thinking that i am so insane..  Still waiting after rejected??  But what can i do??  That is the truth..  I just cant..  And i dont know why..  Maybe i have to wait until somebody else come and take your place..  I hope so..  Aamiin..  But in a deep of my heart i still hope that you will come back to me..  😄